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Da Whip GIFs Animation

You may be used to seeing GIF animation in texts and online, but we doubt you've seen anything as flawless as this 3D animation moving flawlessly from Watch Me to Da Whip. This video is a must-share.

● Ultra-modern for online sharing: The use of a 3D animated character and its dance moves shows how ultra-modern this video is. You now have the chance to spread that modern vibe by sharing it online!

● A fun animated character on the move: This 3D animation is not only funny, but it will surely make you smile and that's what your GIF animation has been missing when it comes to its relatability.

● Easy to use and share with whoever will enjoy it most: You owe it to yourself to share your happiness with others. You can do it by sharing this dancing animated character and see it brightens up someone's day!

Da Whip GIFs Animation

  • One pack consisting of 2 individual files of Da Whip GIFs Animation. 1) Da Whip GIFs file 2) Da Whip MOV file.

    Resolution: 500p x 500p

    Duration: 0:10sec (for one file)

    Frame rate: 24 FPS

    Format: GIF, MOV (transparent background)

    Zip file size: 32 MB

    Sound: NO, the dance moves are from "Silentó" Watch Me 

    The final pack: You will receive links to download this products after Checkout. The file is packed with ZIP file, you will need unpack using WinZip or can be access free version (7-zip). Here is 7-zip:
