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Crank That GIFs Animation

GIF animation has come a long way. While we use it differently to express ourselves, it's pretty hard to ignore something as smile-inducing as a dancing baby, bopping and lunging to Crank That.

● Great online option for spreading cheer: Share this animated character to spread some joy to the world through your preferred social media platforms. 

● Flexible file options: You can choose MOV or GIF animation to make sure that you have the preferred formatting to send it to whoever and wherever you want to.

● Distraction-free, shareable format: This is more than just an animated character moving around. This 3D animation has crisp graphics and impressive on-beat dance moves that will give you enjoyment to the fullest!


Crank That GIFs Animation

  • One pack consisting of 2 individual files of Crank That GIFs Animation. 1) Crank That GIFs file 2) Crank That MOV file.

    Resolution: 500p x 500p

    Duration: 0:17sec (for one file)

    Frame rate: 24 FPS

    Format: GIF, MOV (transparent background)

    Zip file size: 58 MB

    Sound: NO, the dance moves are from "Soulja Boy" Crank That

    The final pack: You will receive links to download this products after Checkout. The file is packed with ZIP file, you will need unpack using WinZip or can be access free version (7-zip). Here is 7-zip:
